AmazonSmile is a great way to support Ocean Defenders Alliance. Whenever you shop, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to ODA to help save ocean wildlife.
Simply click the "Get started" button in the graphic below!
If for any reason the link above does not work: You can go to and sign into your account (or if you do not have an account, it is very easy to start one). From the Amazone homepage, you can go to the search bar (you will see "All" to the far left) and type in "smile." In the search result below, you will see the AmazonSmile logo at the top of the list - click on it. On the Welcome to AmazonSmile page, under the area labeled "select a charity," type in Ocean Defenders Alliance and when you see our name (with Huntington Beach next to it), click the "select" button.
AmazonSmile will remember your selection; in the upper left corner of the page you should see the words "Supporting Ocean Defenders Alliance" in small orange letters.
Thank you for supporting ODA in this way!