The Ocean Defenders Alliance Advisory Board is comprised of a diverse group of people who lend their skills, expertise, resources, and connections to aid in ODA’s mission.
The advisor role is an unpaid position with no legal requirements or fiduciary responsibilities, however, their advice and knowledge is helpful and greatly appreciated by ODA management.
Ranko Balog - Customs Broker
Carol Boot Storie - Marketing
Tim Pearson - Educator
Alex Earl - Nonprofit executive management
Kim McCoy - Nonprofit executive management
Linda Nicholes - Events and networking
Carla Robinson - Nonprofit Development & Communications
Darlene Summers - Outreach, Fundraising, & Boat Crew
Chuck Swift – Planning and Operations
Hawai'i Operations
Stephen M. Boreman, Esq. - Attorney at law
Matthew M. "Mash" Hatae - Boat captain
Ray Hollowell - Videographer, diver
Glenn Roberts - Oahu Dive Team Coordinator
Robert Wintner - Business, photographer
Jeff Milisen - Media
Sarah Milisen - Dive instructor and educator
Marjorie Zensen - Educator
Gary Liebmann - Oahu Dive Master
Temple Liebmann - Oahu Volunteer Coordinator & Topside Photography
Stephen M. Boreman, Esq. - Attorney at law
Media & Arts
Walter Marti - Filmmaker
Julia S. Ransom - Writer, Photographer
Science & Conservation
Catherine W. Kilduff, Esq. - Attorney at Law
Marine Operations
Chris Bell - Dive Instructor; Electronics Expert
Kim Cardenas - Technical Diver
Geoff Walsh - Boat operations
Rex Levi - Boat Captain
Mike Wynd - Rebreather Diver and equipment specialist
Jeff Connor - Computer Specialist and Diver
John Milligan - Computer and Electronic Specialist, Environmentalist
Tom Weisel - Engineer
While not an Advisory Board member, we're proud to share Dr. Sylvia Earle's endorsement of ODA.