By ODA Volunteer Karla Reinhardt
[Editorial note: Karla Reinhardt has been volunteering with Ocean Defender Alliance (ODA) for 4.5 years. In January 2018, she led the effort to adopt a mile-long stretch of a water channel in Fullerton, California so that she and other ODA volunteers could continually work to keep it clean. Fullerton is about 20 miles inland, but the plastic and other trash that the run-off water carries down this channel makes its way to the ocean where it pollutes our coastal waters. Big kudos and thanks to Karla and the other volunteers for your ongoing efforts! You are an inspiration to everyone who learns about what you’re doing.]
Resuming activities!
We did our first cleanup in eight months due to winter storms and COVID-19, on Saturday, June 27th. The County of Orange had just started to allow Adopt-A-Channel projects to continue, while following all recommended health guidelines.
We found less trash than usual with the nearby schools closed. The closest Starbucks also closed, permanently. Lots of tennis balls, maybe from someone playing with their dog and losing them over the fence?
There was the usual plastic wrappers, bags, bottles, cups, and straws.
We only had three volunteers (no pics due to social distancing, etc.): me, Paul O'Sullivan, and his college-aged daughter. Because the channel cleanup went so quickly, we also cleaned up part of the easement between channel and street.
It was actually a good workout after staying at home for so many months!
We’ll keep you posted about future cleanups! If you live in Orange County near Fullerton and want to help out, please email: