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News and Media

Located in the beautiful channel island harbor in Oxnard, California, the Channel Islands Maritime Museum is exhibiting a “pop-up display” about Ocean Defenders Alliance (ODA).

Channel Islands Maritime Museum

We feel fortunate to be able to help educate the public about the problem of marine debris, how we work to solve it, and how everyone can join in.

The ODA exhibit will be on display until August 26th.

There are other permanent -- and very cool -- ocean-related displays at this museum. We hope you can make it there!

Hours of operation

  • Monday, Thursday, and Saturday 10-4pm
  • Sun 12-4pm.
  • Closed to the general public on Tuesday and Wednesday as they have private tours and private member events on those days.


Channel Islands Harbor at
3900 Bluefin Circle
Oxnard, CA 93035

More information can be found at the museum’s website.